Friday, November 9, 2007

Senate preference flows - W.A

The Nationals
1 CROOK Tony John National Party
2 DUNCAN Wendy National Party
3 JOHNSTON David Liberal Party
4 EGGLESTON Alan Liberal Party
5 GOIRAN Gerard Christian Democrats
6 WATT Peter Christian Democrats
7 CASH Michaelia Liberal Party
8 MISCHIN Michael Liberal Party
9 MOURITZ Jane Liberal Party
10 BROWN Matt Liberal Party
11 LUDLAM Scott Greens
12 XAMON Alison Greens
13 ROY Brenda Greens
14 ROSE Linda Family First
15 FABIAN Cathie Family First
16 FUHRMANN Steve Family First
17 BOULGER Bob Democratic Labor Party
18 MILLER Eric Democratic Labor Party
19 LEWIN Erica Australian Democrats
20 OLVER Rob Australian Democrats
21 HODDY Don Australian Democrats
22 HOPKINSON James One Nation
23 McLEAN Ron One Nation
24 HOYER Thomas Carers Alliance
25 PRIMEAU Shirley Ann Carers Alliance
26 DIXON Geoff Non-Custodial Parents
27 WARD Mike Non-Custodial Parents
28 KETTLE Gerard Conservatives for Climate and Environment
29 ANTON Shirley Conservatives for Climate and Environment
30 WARDEN Gary Climate Change Coalition
31 BISHOP Sarah Climate Change Coalition
32 WHELAN Peter Liberty and Democracy Party
33 PARKER Daniel M Liberty and Democracy Party
34 MAYER Daniel J Senator On-Line
35 LAMONT Zoe Senator On-Line
36 BASDEN Meryki What Women Want
37 LANE Saywood What Women Want
38 WYNNE Eric Independent
39 FITZGERALD Kevin Independent
40 ARMSTRONG Jennifer Independent
41 TAN Michael Independent
42 CAMPBELL Graeme Independent
43 FISCHER John Independent
44 GRAHAM Russell Independent
45 GIBSON Geoff Independent
46 HAWKINS Trent Socialist Alliance
47 GRAY Julie Socialist Alliance
48 PRATT Louise Labor Party
49 BISHOP Mark Labor Party
50 WEBBER Ruth Labor Party
51 McNAUGHT Richard Independent
52 DABROWSKI Edward Independent
53 ROBINSON Jean Citizens Electoral Council
54 SMITH Stuart Citizens Electoral Council
Liberal Party
1 JOHNSTON David Liberal Party
2 EGGLESTON Alan Liberal Party
3 CASH Michaelia Liberal Party
4 MISCHIN Michael Liberal Party
5 MOURITZ Jane Liberal Party
6 BROWN Matt Liberal Party
7 CROOK Tony John National Party
8 DUNCAN Wendy National Party
9 GOIRAN Gerard Christian Democrats
10 WATT Peter Christian Democrats
11 ROSE Linda Family First
12 FABIAN Cathie Family First
13 FUHRMANN Steve Family First
14 BOULGER Bob Democratic Labor Party
15 MILLER Eric Democratic Labor Party
16 WHELAN Peter Liberty and Democracy Party
17 PARKER Daniel M Liberty and Democracy Party
18 CAMPBELL Graeme Independent
19 FISCHER John Independent
20 GRAHAM Russell Independent
21 GIBSON Geoff Independent
22 WYNNE Eric Independent
23 FITZGERALD Kevin Independent
24 HOYER Thomas Carers Alliance
25 PRIMEAU Shirley Ann Carers Alliance
26 KETTLE Gerard Conservatives for Climate and Environment
27 ANTON Shirley Conservatives for Climate and Environment
28 DIXON Geoff Non-Custodial Parents
29 WARD Mike Non-Custodial Parents
30 LEWIN Erica Australian Democrats
31 OLVER Rob Australian Democrats
32 HODDY Don Australian Democrats
33 LUDLAM Scott Greens
34 XAMON Alison Greens
35 ROY Brenda Greens
36 McNAUGHT Richard Independent
37 DABROWSKI Edward Independent
38 BASDEN Meryki What Women Want
39 LANE Saywood What Women Want
40 MAYER Daniel J Senator On-Line
41 LAMONT Zoe Senator On-Line
42 WARDEN Gary Climate Change Coalition
43 BISHOP Sarah Climate Change Coalition
44 ARMSTRONG Jennifer Independent
45 TAN Michael Independent
46 ROBINSON Jean Citizens Electoral Council
47 SMITH Stuart Citizens Electoral Council
48 BISHOP Mark Labor Party
49 PRATT Louise Labor Party
50 WEBBER Ruth Labor Party
51 HAWKINS Trent Socialist Alliance
52 GRAY Julie Socialist Alliance
53 HOPKINSON James One Nation
54 McLEAN Ron One Nation
Democrats (Ticket 1)
1 LEWIN Erica Australian Democrats
2 OLVER Rob Australian Democrats
3 HODDY Don Australian Democrats
4 HOYER Thomas Carers Alliance
5 PRIMEAU Shirley Ann Carers Alliance
6 WYNNE Eric Independent
7 FITZGERALD Kevin Independent
8 WARDEN Gary Climate Change Coalition
9 BISHOP Sarah Climate Change Coalition
10 BASDEN Meryki What Women Want
11 LANE Saywood What Women Want
12 KETTLE Gerard Conservatives for Climate and Environment
13 ANTON Shirley Conservatives for Climate and Environment
14 LUDLAM Scott Greens
15 XAMON Alison Greens
16 ROY Brenda Greens
17 PRATT Louise Labor Party
18 BISHOP Mark Labor Party
19 WEBBER Ruth Labor Party
20 CROOK Tony John National Party
21 DUNCAN Wendy National Party
22 JOHNSTON David Liberal Party
23 EGGLESTON Alan Liberal Party
24 CASH Michaelia Liberal Party
25 MISCHIN Michael Liberal Party
26 MOURITZ Jane Liberal Party
27 BROWN Matt Liberal Party
28 HAWKINS Trent Socialist Alliance
29 GRAY Julie Socialist Alliance
30 ARMSTRONG Jennifer Independent
31 TAN Michael Independent
32 ROSE Linda Family First
33 FABIAN Cathie Family First
34 FUHRMANN Steve Family First
35 MAYER Daniel J Senator On-Line
36 LAMONT Zoe Senator On-Line
37 DIXON Geoff Non-Custodial Parents
38 WARD Mike Non-Custodial Parents
39 McNAUGHT Richard Independent
40 DABROWSKI Edward Independent
41 ROBINSON Jean Citizens Electoral Council
42 SMITH Stuart Citizens Electoral Council
43 CAMPBELL Graeme Independent
44 FISCHER John Independent
45 GRAHAM Russell Independent
46 GIBSON Geoff Independent
47 WHELAN Peter Liberty and Democracy Party
48 PARKER Daniel M Liberty and Democracy Party
49 HOPKINSON James One Nation
50 McLEAN Ron One Nation
51 BOULGER Bob Democratic Labor Party
52 MILLER Eric Democratic Labor Party
53 GOIRAN Gerard Christian Democrats
54 WATT Peter Christian Democrats
Democrats (Ticket 2)
1 LEWIN Erica Australian Democrats
2 OLVER Rob Australian Democrats
3 HODDY Don Australian Democrats
4 HOYER Thomas Carers Alliance
5 PRIMEAU Shirley Ann Carers Alliance
6 WYNNE Eric Independent
7 FITZGERALD Kevin Independent
8 WARDEN Gary Climate Change Coalition
9 BISHOP Sarah Climate Change Coalition
10 BASDEN Meryki What Women Want
11 LANE Saywood What Women Want
12 KETTLE Gerard Conservatives for Climate and Environment
13 ANTON Shirley Conservatives for Climate and Environment
14 LUDLAM Scott Greens
15 XAMON Alison Greens
16 ROY Brenda Greens
17 CROOK Tony John National Party
18 DUNCAN Wendy National Party
19 JOHNSTON David Liberal Party
20 EGGLESTON Alan Liberal Party
21 CASH Michaelia Liberal Party
22 MISCHIN Michael Liberal Party
23 MOURITZ Jane Liberal Party
24 BROWN Matt Liberal Party
25 PRATT Louise Labor Party
26 BISHOP Mark Labor Party
27 WEBBER Ruth Labor Party
28 HAWKINS Trent Socialist Alliance
29 GRAY Julie Socialist Alliance
30 ARMSTRONG Jennifer Independent
31 TAN Michael Independent
32 ROSE Linda Family First
33 FABIAN Cathie Family First
34 FUHRMANN Steve Family First
35 MAYER Daniel J Senator On-Line
36 LAMONT Zoe Senator On-Line
37 DIXON Geoff Non-Custodial Parents
38 WARD Mike Non-Custodial Parents
39 McNAUGHT Richard Independent
40 DABROWSKI Edward Independent
41 ROBINSON Jean Citizens Electoral Council
42 SMITH Stuart Citizens Electoral Council
43 CAMPBELL Graeme Independent
44 FISCHER John Independent
45 GRAHAM Russell Independent
46 GIBSON Geoff Independent
47 WHELAN Peter Liberty and Democracy Party
48 PARKER Daniel M Liberty and Democracy Party
49 HOPKINSON James One Nation
50 McLEAN Ron One Nation
51 BOULGER Bob Democratic Labor Party
52 MILLER Eric Democratic Labor Party
53 GOIRAN Gerard Christian Democrats
54 WATT Peter Christian Democrats
One Nation
1 HOPKINSON James One Nation
2 McLEAN Ron One Nation
3 DIXON Geoff Non-Custodial Parents
4 WARD Mike Non-Custodial Parents
5 ROBINSON Jean Citizens Electoral Council
6 SMITH Stuart Citizens Electoral Council
7 WYNNE Eric Independent
8 FITZGERALD Kevin Independent
9 ROSE Linda Family First
10 FABIAN Cathie Family First
11 FUHRMANN Steve Family First
12 GOIRAN Gerard Christian Democrats
13 WATT Peter Christian Democrats
14 CAMPBELL Graeme Independent
15 MAYER Daniel J Senator On-Line
16 LAMONT Zoe Senator On-Line
17 BASDEN Meryki What Women Want
18 LANE Saywood What Women Want
19 WHELAN Peter Liberty and Democracy Party
20 PARKER Daniel M Liberty and Democracy Party
21 McNAUGHT Richard Independent
22 DABROWSKI Edward Independent
23 GIBSON Geoff Independent
24 TAN Michael Independent
25 GRAHAM Russell Independent
26 ARMSTRONG Jennifer Independent
27 BOULGER Bob Democratic Labor Party
28 MILLER Eric Democratic Labor Party
29 HOYER Thomas Carers Alliance
30 PRIMEAU Shirley Ann Carers Alliance
31 HAWKINS Trent Socialist Alliance
32 GRAY Julie Socialist Alliance
33 KETTLE Gerard Conservatives for Climate and Environment
34 ANTON Shirley Conservatives for Climate and Environment
35 WARDEN Gary Climate Change Coalition
36 BISHOP Sarah Climate Change Coalition
37 CROOK Tony John National Party
38 DUNCAN Wendy National Party
39 JOHNSTON David Liberal Party
40 EGGLESTON Alan Liberal Party
41 CASH Michaelia Liberal Party
42 MISCHIN Michael Liberal Party
43 MOURITZ Jane Liberal Party
44 BROWN Matt Liberal Party
45 FISCHER John Independent
46 OLVER Rob Australian Democrats
47 HODDY Don Australian Democrats
48 LEWIN Erica Australian Democrats
49 LUDLAM Scott Greens
50 XAMON Alison Greens
51 ROY Brenda Greens
52 PRATT Louise Labor Party
53 BISHOP Mark Labor Party
54 WEBBER Ruth Labor Party
Family First
1 ROSE Linda Family First
2 FABIAN Cathie Family First
3 FUHRMANN Steve Family First
4 WYNNE Eric Independent
5 FITZGERALD Kevin Independent
6 DABROWSKI Edward Independent
7 WHELAN Peter Liberty and Democracy Party
8 PARKER Daniel M Liberty and Democracy Party
9 DIXON Geoff Non-Custodial Parents
10 WARD Mike Non-Custodial Parents
11 HOYER Thomas Carers Alliance
12 PRIMEAU Shirley Ann Carers Alliance
13 KETTLE Gerard Conservatives for Climate and Environment
14 ANTON Shirley Conservatives for Climate and Environment
15 WARDEN Gary Climate Change Coalition
16 BISHOP Sarah Climate Change Coalition
17 MAYER Daniel J Senator On-Line
18 LAMONT Zoe Senator On-Line
19 BOULGER Bob Democratic Labor Party
20 MILLER Eric Democratic Labor Party
21 ARMSTRONG Jennifer Independent
22 TAN Michael Independent
23 McNAUGHT Richard Independent
24 GOIRAN Gerard Christian Democrats
25 WATT Peter Christian Democrats
26 HOPKINSON James One Nation
27 McLEAN Ron One Nation
28 JOHNSTON David Liberal Party
29 EGGLESTON Alan Liberal Party
30 CASH Michaelia Liberal Party
31 MISCHIN Michael Liberal Party
32 MOURITZ Jane Liberal Party
33 BROWN Matt Liberal Party
34 CROOK Tony John National Party
35 DUNCAN Wendy National Party
36 CAMPBELL Graeme Independent
37 FISCHER John Independent
38 GRAHAM Russell Independent
39 GIBSON Geoff Independent
40 PRATT Louise Labor Party
41 BISHOP Mark Labor Party
42 WEBBER Ruth Labor Party
43 LEWIN Erica Australian Democrats
44 OLVER Rob Australian Democrats
45 HODDY Don Australian Democrats
46 ROBINSON Jean Citizens Electoral Council
47 SMITH Stuart Citizens Electoral Council
48 HAWKINS Trent Socialist Alliance
49 GRAY Julie Socialist Alliance
50 BASDEN Meryki What Women Want
51 LANE Saywood What Women Want
52 LUDLAM Scott Greens
53 XAMON Alison Greens
54 ROY Brenda Greens
1 PRATT Louise Labor Party
2 BISHOP Mark Labor Party
3 WEBBER Ruth Labor Party
4 LUDLAM Scott Greens
5 XAMON Alison Greens
6 ROY Brenda Greens
7 LEWIN Erica Australian Democrats
8 OLVER Rob Australian Democrats
9 HODDY Don Australian Democrats
10 WARDEN Gary Climate Change Coalition
11 BISHOP Sarah Climate Change Coalition
12 MAYER Daniel J Senator On-Line
13 LAMONT Zoe Senator On-Line
14 WHELAN Peter Liberty and Democracy Party
15 PARKER Daniel M Liberty and Democracy Party
16 BOULGER Bob Democratic Labor Party
17 MILLER Eric Democratic Labor Party
18 BASDEN Meryki What Women Want
19 LANE Saywood What Women Want
20 HAWKINS Trent Socialist Alliance
21 GRAY Julie Socialist Alliance
22 HOYER Thomas Carers Alliance
23 PRIMEAU Shirley Ann Carers Alliance
24 CROOK Tony John National Party
25 DUNCAN Wendy National Party
26 GOIRAN Gerard Christian Democrats
27 WATT Peter Christian Democrats
28 ROSE Linda Family First
29 FABIAN Cathie Family First
30 FUHRMANN Steve Family First
31 KETTLE Gerard Conservatives for Climate and Environment
32 ANTON Shirley Conservatives for Climate and Environment
33 BROWN Matt Liberal Party
34 MOURITZ Jane Liberal Party
35 MISCHIN Michael Liberal Party
36 CASH Michaelia Liberal Party
37 EGGLESTON Alan Liberal Party
38 JOHNSTON David Liberal Party
39 WYNNE Eric Independent
40 FITZGERALD Kevin Independent
41 ARMSTRONG Jennifer Independent
42 TAN Michael Independent
43 McNAUGHT Richard Independent
44 DABROWSKI Edward Independent
45 DIXON Geoff Non-Custodial Parents
46 WARD Mike Non-Custodial Parents
47 GIBSON Geoff Independent
48 GRAHAM Russell Independent
49 FISCHER John Independent
50 CAMPBELL Graeme Independent
51 SMITH Stuart Citizens Electoral Council
52 ROBINSON Jean Citizens Electoral Council
53 McLEAN Ron One Nation
54 HOPKINSON James One Nation
1 LUDLAM Scott Greens
2 XAMON Alison Greens
3 ROY Brenda Greens
4 BASDEN Meryki What Women Want
5 LANE Saywood What Women Want
6 HAWKINS Trent Socialist Alliance
7 GRAY Julie Socialist Alliance
8 ARMSTRONG Jennifer Independent
9 TAN Michael Independent
10 WYNNE Eric Independent
11 FITZGERALD Kevin Independent
12 HOYER Thomas Carers Alliance
13 PRIMEAU Shirley Ann Carers Alliance
14 WARDEN Gary Climate Change Coalition
15 BISHOP Sarah Climate Change Coalition
16 MAYER Daniel J Senator On-Line
17 LAMONT Zoe Senator On-Line
18 LEWIN Erica Australian Democrats
19 OLVER Rob Australian Democrats
20 HODDY Don Australian Democrats
21 PRATT Louise Labor Party
22 BISHOP Mark Labor Party
23 WEBBER Ruth Labor Party
24 WHELAN Peter Liberty and Democracy Party
25 PARKER Daniel M Liberty and Democracy Party
26 KETTLE Gerard Conservatives for Climate and Environment
27 ANTON Shirley Conservatives for Climate and Environment
28 McNAUGHT Richard Independent
29 DABROWSKI Edward Independent
30 CROOK Tony John National Party
31 DUNCAN Wendy National Party
32 ROBINSON Jean Citizens Electoral Council
33 SMITH Stuart Citizens Electoral Council
34 HOPKINSON James One Nation
35 McLEAN Ron One Nation
36 DIXON Geoff Non-Custodial Parents
37 WARD Mike Non-Custodial Parents
38 BOULGER Bob Democratic Labor Party
39 MILLER Eric Democratic Labor Party
40 GOIRAN Gerard Christian Democrats
41 WATT Peter Christian Democrats
42 ROSE Linda Family First
43 FABIAN Cathie Family First
44 FUHRMANN Steve Family First
45 CAMPBELL Graeme Independent
46 FISCHER John Independent
47 GRAHAM Russell Independent
48 GIBSON Geoff Independent
49 JOHNSTON David Liberal Party
50 EGGLESTON Alan Liberal Party
51 CASH Michaelia Liberal Party
52 MISCHIN Michael Liberal Party
53 MOURITZ Jane Liberal Party
54 BROWN Matt Liberal Party


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